Brain Tumor Diagnosis

If your doctor is concerned that a brain tumor is causing signs or symptoms, a variety of tests may be conducted to aid in the diagnosis of a brain tumor and find out more about its size, location, and type. If you need immediate assistance, please call our CareLine at 800-886-2282. We are here to help.

How are brain tumors diagnosed?

Neurological exams and brain scans are used to detect the presence, location, and size of a tumor. Biopsies, molecular tests, and certain scans help determine the tumor type and provide other information, which may help determine treatment options.

As you go through your brain tumor journey, your doctor may repeat some of these scans and tests to find out if the tumor has changed and if it is responding to treatment.

Understanding these tests – how they work, why they are done, and what they may show – can help you be an informed member of your care team. If you have any questions about the tests your doctor is ordering, ask your doctor, nurse, patient navigator, or other health care professional.

Tests & Scans

Understanding Your Brain Tumor Diagnosis Webinar

Learn more about brain tumor tests and diagnoses.

Newly diagnosed? Start here.

We’ve put together a few first steps to help you navigate your brain tumor journey. This free “Newly Diagnosed Toolkit” has what you need to get started, including diagnosis, treatment, and tumor-specific information for some tumor types.

Get Support

It’s easy to underestimate the emotional impact of a brain tumor diagnosis, but you’re not alone on your journey. Here are some ways for you to create a brain tumor support system.

ABTA CareLine

Contact 800-886-ABTA (2282) from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST or
- Information on treatment and care
- Finding brain tumor treatment centers
- Financial assistance resources
- Finding clinical trials

Online Support

ABTA Connections is an online community that connects patients, families, friends, and caregivers for support and inspiration. Members join for free and have access to the site 24/7. 

Patient & Caregiver Mentor Support

Our Mentor Program offers patients and caregivers the opportunity to connect with someone who has gone through a similar brain tumor diagnosis, treatment, and care.

A Future Without Brain Tumors Relies on Your Unwavering Support

The need to accelerate groundbreaking research and expand patient care services has never been greater. Brain tumors remain incredibly difficult to treat due to the blood-brain barrier and its profound resistance to standard treatments. While progress has been made, more must be done.

Double Your Impact for Families in Need!

This spring, your gift will be matched dollar for dollar thanks to the generosity of two anonymous donors!