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Brain Tumor Patient & Caregiver Mentor Support Program

ABTA’s Patient and Caregiver Mentor Support Program is a free peer support service that pairs adult brain tumor patients, survivors, and caregivers with mentors who have been through a similar situation. 

GBMAD2023-Paul McDowell, GBM Survivor and ABTA mentor

ABTA Patient & Caregiver Mentor Support Program

Connecting with a mentor provides the opportunity to ask personal questions and receive support from someone who is uniquely familiar with the brain tumor experience. Our trained volunteer mentors offer social-emotional support and share their experience with brain tumor diagnosis, treatment, and care. This service is offered at no cost and is confidential.

Whether you are looking to speak once or start a lasting friendship, the ABTA can connect you with someone based on your unique circumstances. ABTA Patient & Caregiver Mentor Support is a free mentor matching service that pairs adult brain tumor patients, survivors, and caregivers with mentors who have been through a similar situation.

To get started, click one of the options below. Have any questions about this program? Call us at 800-886-2282 or email info@abta.org

Our Support Services are 100% free for patients and caregivers


800-886-ABTA (2282) 8:30 AM-5:00 PM CST or info@abta.org
- Information on treatment and care
- Finding brain tumor treatment centers
- Financial assistance resources
- Finding clinical trials

Support Groups

From diagnosis, surgery, and treatment side effects, to recovery and for some—recurrence—you may feel anxious and isolated. Support groups can improve your emotional well-being and quality of life. Virtual and in-person options.

Health Insurance Resources

Making sense of the healthcare system – including insurance – is a necessary step in the brain tumor journey. To simplify things, we’ve collected some helpful resources.

Financial Support

Being diagnosed with a brain tumor takes a toll physically, emotionally, and financially. Medical bills and related costs can quickly add up. We have a list of resources to help in addition to the ABTA Financial Assistance Program.


The free educational webinar series is an excellent resource for brain tumor patients and caregivers to learn more about brain tumor types, treatments, well-being topics, and research updates from nationally recognized experts.

Educational Resources

- About Brain Tumors
- Questions to Ask Your Doctor
- Tumor-specific educational materials
- Caregiver Handbook
- Clinical Trials
and more

Connections Community

ABTA’s online support community, where brain tumor patients, survivors, and caregivers come together. Information about malignant and non-malignant tumors, GBM, immunotherapy and more.

Patient Family Meetings

Each free, half-day program in this series focuses on a specific topic for brain tumor patients and caregivers, led by nationally recognized experts. Watch one or all. Similar to our Webinars but longer and more in-depth.

Brain Tumor Treatment Center

The ABTA Treatment Center Guide provides detailed information about a variety of treatment centers, including the number of patients treated annually, technologies and specialized procedures offered.


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