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Bright Spot Network Virtual Support Groups

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Parenting, especially amid a global pandemic, is hard enough. Add a cancer diagnosis to the mix? That brings unique challenges. Recognizing this, the Bright Spot Network has launched virtual support groups for parents and caregivers who are going through cancer while raising young children. Please join us and other parents in conversation to talk about […]

Pickles Group – Kids Supporting Kids

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Having a parent with cancer can be a lonely, isolating experience. Pickles Group creates thriving communities of kids supporting kids whose parents have cancer. Pickles kids strengthen resilience, have fun with friends who get them, and heal along the way. Pickles Group’s mission is to provide free peer-to-peer support and resources to kids and teens […]

Acoustic Neuroma Support Groups

Virtual Event Virtual Event

These meetings are for those who have been diagnosed with acoustic neuroma (a rare, benign brain tumor affecting the 8th cranial nerve). Attendees can ask questions, explore treatment options, and discuss coping strategies with other patients and clinical experts. The group meetings are free of charge. Patients, family members, caregivers, healthcare professionals and interested persons […]

Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation Support Groups for kids, teens, young adults, parents, and siblings

Virtual Event Virtual Event

CBTF offers monthly online groups for kids, teens, young adults, parents of young children, parents of teens, parents of young adults, siblings, and fathers. We also offer monthly creative arts, cooking and mindfulness classes. In-person family events in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, Dayton (OH), Boston, New York, and New Jersey. Groups facilitated by […]

Brain Tumor Support Group of Northeast Florida

Adam W. Herbert University Center at the University of North Florida 12000 Alumni Drive Room 1090, Jacksonville, FL, United States

Open to all adult patients and caregivers of Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia who are dealing with a primary brain tumor diagnosis. Although this support group meets face-to-face, there are some virtual group sessions. Please email SupportGroup@BrainTumorNetwork.org to RSVP and to receive the most updated information. Group facilitated by social workers. Group meets on the […]

Brain Tumor Support Group Greater Decatur Area

Cancer Care Center Education Classroom 210 West McKinley Avenue, Decatur, IL, United States

Group meets in education classroom from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. for patients and their families. Free parking. Group facilitated by health care professionals. This group meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Contact: Judy Selle, RN, MS, CNOR 217-428-8369 jselle5651@aol.com Leslie Roberts, RSW, LSW 217-876-6784

JamesCare for Life Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Meetings are currently being offered virtually. To join, complete the registration form found at www.cancer.osu.edu/supportgroups This group is open brain cancer patients and their caregivers, before, during and after treatment. This support group provides a safe and supportive environment to share personal experiences and benefit from connecting with others who have similar health concerns. This […]

Event Series Yale Brain Tumor Support Group

Yale Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group meets virtually. Contact Laura Donnelly for details. The Brain Tumor Support Group at Yale’s Smilow Cancer Center is for patients who have been diagnosed with any type of brain tumor, benign or malignant. They can be in active treatment or surveillance or post treatment. It is a safe space to share experiences, concerns, […]

Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids Brain Tumor Support Group

Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids 1806 Bridge Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

This group is meeting hybrid – in person and virtually via Zoom (at the same time). Contact Sandi Oosse for details. This support group invites patients and caregivers impacted by brain cancer/tumor to learn and share together. Group primarily focuses on malignant tumors and/or metastases, but those with benign tumors are welcome too. Group is […]