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Laugh Your Brains Out Comedy Fundraiser

Lincoln Lodge 2040 North Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL

"Laugh Your Brains Out" Annual Comedy Show! This newly-formed annual benefit show will bring together some of the most talented and hysterical stand-up comics working today, all in support of the American Brain Tumor Association. Featuring your headliner, Myq Kaplan, this evening's talent also includes Andrew Nadeau, Tori Kilkenny, Adam Burke, and Sohrab Forouzesh! Tragically, […]


Acoustic Neuroma Support Groups

Virtual Event Virtual Event

These meetings are for those who have been diagnosed with acoustic neuroma (a rare, benign brain tumor affecting the 8th cranial nerve). Attendees can ask questions, explore treatment options, and discuss coping strategies with other patients and clinical experts. The group meetings are free of charge. Patients, family members, caregivers, healthcare professionals and interested persons […]

Columbia Brain Tumor Caregiver Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group is limited to those whose loved ones are patients at Columbia University Medical Center. This is a weekly group for caregivers of patients with brain tumors. The group meets for 10 weeks at a time in multiple cycles throughout the year. Caregivers are invited to share their honest thoughts and feelings about taking […]

CancerCare Brain Tumor Caregiver Online Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This 15-week online support group is for people caring for a loved one with a primary malignant brain tumor or brain metastasis. This group is a safe, convenient, and confidential space where caregivers can discuss the unique challenges of caring for a loved one with a brain tumor while giving and receiving support, information, and […]

Webinar: New Horizons in External Beam Radiation for Brain Tumors

External beam radiation therapy is a cornerstone of brain tumor treatment. Join this webinar to explore how new innovative dosing strategies are helping doctors target tumors more effectively and safely. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of how standard and experimental approaches to radiation are improving outcomes and quality of life. In this webinar you […]

Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation Spanish Speaking Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

La Fundación para el Tumor Cerebral Infantil se complace en dar la bienvenida a una nueva trabajadora social a nuestro equipo, Karla García. Karla dirigirá grupos de apoyo para padres mensuales para nuestras familias de habla hispana. Children's Brain Tumor Foundation is excited to welcome a new social worker to our team, Karla Garcia! Karla […]

Brain Tumor Support Group at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group meets virtually. Please call 646-888-8106 or email RLAC@mskcc.org for more information. In this open discussion and support group, the challenges and adjustments to life for patients with a primary brain tumor will be addressed. Common areas of concern include side effects from medications and treatment, seizure activity, fear of recurrence, and the impact […]

Hermelin Brain Tumor Center Support Group

Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital 6777 W. Maple Road, West Bloomfield, MI

This group meets in person and virtually via WebEx. Please see Facebook page at HenryFordHermelinBrainTumorCenter or contact LSCARPA1@hfhs.org for more information. Brain tumor patients, caregivers, and family members welcome. Group facilitated by health care professional. This group meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. Contact: Lisa Scarpace LSCARPA1@hfhs.org Nestelynn Gay ngay1@hfhs.org 313-916-2723