
GBM Awareness Day is July 17. Join us in raising awareness all month long! Learn more.



Swedish Medical Center Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Sarah Cannon Cancer Institute at Swedish Medical Center hosts monthly online support groups. In these safe spaces, you can discuss your feelings openly and honestly. Facilitated by licensed social workers, these support groups are open forums for cancer patients and caregivers to meet, network, and share their feelings, concerns and fears. Register at SwedishHospital.com/classes Caregivers […]


Together Not Alone Support Group at Mayo Clinic

Virtual Event Virtual Event

A group to provide information, education and support. A diagnosis of a brain tumor impacts many aspects of your life. The goal of this psycho-educational support group is to provide information on relevant topics that promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and time for peer support to meet others who are going through same diagnosis. […]


Providence St. Vincent Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This on-going support group is held virtually and bi-weekly. It provides a safe environment to connect with other patients and those caring for loved ones with brain tumors. There will be opportunity to share personal experiences, ways of coping, and resources with each other. There is also another online group for caregivers/spouses. If you are […]


Cleveland Clinic Brain Tumor Virtual Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group provides the opportunity to share experiences and to socialize with others in similar situations. An advanced practice provider and social worker assist the group, provide information and answer questions regarding treatments, medications, resources and other important issues.+ This group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. OGRINS@ccf.orgMILLERT16@ccf.org Join Zoom Virtual Meeting: https://clevelandclinic.zoom.us/j/94599622781?pwd=WXo3M3VhT3JxSkk0TU5QcWlnYTJJZz09 […]


Kaiser Permanente Neuro Oncology Online Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This online support group is available to support patients and families through peer support and education by professional guests. Discover how others have coped with challenges and discover ways improve quality of life. This group is led by a facilitator and often includes guest speakers. Open to California residents. No class fee. This group meets […]


University of Miami Brain Tumor Support Group

Sylvester Medical Office Building (SMOB) 1121 NW 14th Street Room 120F, 1st Floor, Miami, FL, United States

All Sylvester patients diagnosed with a brain tumor (primary or metastatic) and their caregivers are welcome to attend. This group is designed to nurture physical and mental health through Art Therapy and dialogue. Come create fun memories in a safe place where you can share your feelings. All participants will be provided materials needed. Valet […]

CancerCare Young Adult Brain Tumor Caregiver Online Support Group


This 15-week online support group is for young adults (ages 20-39) caring for a loved one with a primary malignant brain tumor or brain metastasis. This group is a safe, convenient, and confidential space where caregivers can discuss the unique challenges of caring for a loved one with a brain tumor while giving and receiving […]

Gina & Tim Abbas
Caregiver & Anaplastic Astrocytoma Survivor

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