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Providence St. Vincent Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This on-going support group is held virtually and bi-weekly. It provides a safe environment to connect with other patients and those caring for loved ones with brain tumors. There will be opportunity to share personal experiences, ways of coping, and resources with each other. There is also another online group for caregivers/spouses. If you are […]

Cleveland Clinic Brain Tumor Virtual Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group provides the opportunity to share experiences and to socialize with others in similar situations. An advanced practice provider and social worker assist the group, provide information and answer questions regarding treatments, medications, resources and other important issues.+ This group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. OGRINS@ccf.orgMILLERT16@ccf.org Join Zoom Virtual Meeting: https://clevelandclinic.zoom.us/j/94599622781?pwd=WXo3M3VhT3JxSkk0TU5QcWlnYTJJZz09 […]

Cancer Support Community Greater Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Brain Tumor Networking Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group meets virtually. Click HERE to register. Must reside in Ohio to participate. This is open to people living with brain tumors and their family members and friends. The current group is a collaboration with UC Health but participants do not have to be UC Health patients in order to join. Each month there […]

Adventist Health Glendale Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group meets virtually. Contact Cynthia Klinger at 818-269-1686 for details. Offers a brain tumor support group, open to patients with primary brain tumors or metastases. Group facilitated by a marriage and family therapist. This group meets every other Wednesday. Contact: Cynthia Klinger 818-269-1686

Guardian Brain Foundation Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Guardian Brain Foundation is providing a brain tumor support group for patients and caregivers. The group will meet virtually twice a month on Wednesday evenings from 7-9 PM. The purpose of the group is to provide a safe space for patients and families to exchange thoughts, ideas and experiences and learn from each other. […]

Emory Hospital Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group meeting is open to members of the brain tumor community. To protect the privacy of those in attendance, participation in this support group meeting is by invitation only. Therefore, log-in information is not posted on any forward-facing websites. Contact Farnaz Arabshahi or Geri Shaffer for details. This meeting occurs every-other Thursday (bi-weekly) and […]

Kadlec Tri-Cities Cancer Center Brain Tumor Support Group

Kadlec Tri-Cities Cancer Center Fireside Room 7350 W. Deschutes Ave, Kennewick, United States

This group will allow a forum for people diagnosed with brain tumors, and their caregivers, to meet with others and share what they have learned about coping with the diagnosis and the effects of treatment. This group meets on the 4th Thursday of every month. Page last updated: 10/25/24