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Columbia Primary Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group is limited to patients at Columbia University Medical Center. This is a monthly group for anyone with a primary brain tumor. Patients are invited to share their honest thoughts and feelings related to living life with a brain tumor. Discussion topics have included child or grandchild rearing while on treatment, Medicare enrollment, managing […]

Columbia Brain Tumor Bereavement Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This is a monthly, online support group for those who have lost someone to brain cancer or a serious neurological disease. Participants are welcome to join 3 months after the death of their loved one and are invited to attend 13 sessions thereafter. Registration is required to attend. Please register by clicking HERE. Group facilitated […]

Advancements in Treating Glioblastoma

New research and advancements in neurosurgery, imaging, and radiation can revolutionize the treatment of glioblastoma. Join this webinar to get an overview of advancements on the horizon. -Identify new innovations and technologies in brain mapping and imaging. -Receive an overview of new techniques in neuro-surgery and radiation. -Recognize the benefits and potential limitations of these […]

Acoustic Neuroma Support Groups

Virtual Event Virtual Event

These meetings are for those who have been diagnosed with acoustic neuroma (a rare, benign brain tumor affecting the 8th cranial nerve). Attendees can ask questions, explore treatment options, and discuss coping strategies with other patients and clinical experts. The group meetings are free of charge. Patients, family members, caregivers, healthcare professionals and interested persons […]

CancerCare Young Adult Brain Tumor Caregiver Online Support Group


This 15-week online support group is for young adults (ages 20-39) caring for a loved one with a primary malignant brain tumor or brain metastasis. This group is a safe, convenient, and confidential space where caregivers can discuss the unique challenges of caring for a loved one with a brain tumor while giving and receiving […]

Mount Sinai Glioblastoma Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group meets online the first Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. Contact Kat Safavi for details. Led by Mount Sinai social workers, nurses, and neurosurgeons, the Glioblastoma Support Group is dedicated to providing a safe space for patients to connect with others and share their experiences, support one another, and exchange strategies. The […]

Columbia Brain Tumor Caregiver Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group is limited to those whose loved ones are patients at Columbia University Medical Center. This is a weekly group for caregivers of patients with brain tumors. The group meets for 10 weeks at a time in multiple cycles throughout the year. Caregivers are invited to share their honest thoughts and feelings about taking […]

Cancer Support Community San Francisco Bay Brain Tumor Support Group

Cancer Support Community 3276 McNutt Avenue, Walnut Creek, California

Offers a brain tumor support group for cancer patients and family members. Contact: Erika Maslan, MA, LMFT 925-933-0107 Cancer Support Community 3276 McNutt Avenue Walnut Creek, CA  

Hartford Healthcare Brain Tumor Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

In this free support group, meet and talk with peers who are navigating through life after a Brain Tumor diagnosis. Open to both patients and caregivers/loved ones. For the second half of each group, patients and care partners are moved to separate breakout rooms for private peer-to-peer support Register by calling 855-422-4373 or visiting website. […]