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UCLA Support Group for Caregivers of Adult Brain Tumor Patients

UCLA Radiation Oncology Conference Room - Level B2 200 Medical Plaza, Los Angeles, United States

Group currently offered online due to Coronavirus. Contact Jackie Dillon for details. This support group is for caregivers only. The group welcomes those whose loved ones are in varying stages of diagnosis and treatment, as well as those whose loved ones have died. This group is not appropriate for children, though assistance in finding appropriate […]

San Antonio Brain Tumor Support Group

Warm Springs Rehabilitation Hospital of San Antonio 5101 Medical Dr, San Antonio, United States

Offers a brain tumor support group for patients, caregivers and survivors. Please call Teresa at 210-386-5608 before attending. This group meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month. Contact: Teresa Miller Zdansky 210-386-5608 sodagal@lavernia.net

Nichole’s Fight Against Time 5K Walk/Run

Cost: Free, bring an empty recyclable can or bottle We are Team Nichole from Hawai`i!  Our connection with American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) happened after we lost our Daughter; Sister; Mother; Wife; Aunty; Niece; Cousin and Friend to Glioblastoma on January 25, 2016.  Our `Ohana (Family) decided to put on Nichole’s Fight Against Time 5K […]


Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation Spanish Speaking Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

La Fundación para el Tumor Cerebral Infantil se complace en dar la bienvenida a una nueva trabajadora social a nuestro equipo, Karla García. Karla dirigirá grupos de apoyo para padres mensuales para nuestras familias de habla hispana. Children's Brain Tumor Foundation is excited to welcome a new social worker to our team, Karla Garcia! Karla […]

Brain Tumor Support Group at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This group meets virtually. Please call 646-888-8106 or email RLAC@mskcc.org for more information. In this open discussion and support group, the challenges and adjustments to life for patients with a primary brain tumor will be addressed. Common areas of concern include side effects from medications and treatment, seizure activity, fear of recurrence, and the impact […]

Hermelin Brain Tumor Center Support Group

Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital 6777 W. Maple Road, West Bloomfield, MI

This group meets in person and virtually via WebEx. Please see Facebook page at HenryFordHermelinBrainTumorCenter or contact LSCARPA1@hfhs.org for more information. Brain tumor patients, caregivers, and family members welcome. Group facilitated by health care professional. This group meets on the 2nd Monday of every month. Contact: Lisa Scarpace LSCARPA1@hfhs.org Nestelynn Gay ngay1@hfhs.org 313-916-2723

Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit Brain Cancer Support Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Group currently meeting online. Contact Megan Nikolich for details. This group offers a support group to individuals diagnosed with brain cancer, along with their friends and family members. Group facilitated by a health care professional. Contact:  Megan Nikolich 248-577-0800 ext. 303 mnikolich@gildasclubdetroit.org