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Juliana Schafer Spirit of Hope Award

The Juliana Schafer Spirit of Hope Award recognizes and honors individuals, organizations or groups who generously donate their time and talents to further the ABTA mission.

The award is named after Juliana Schafer, a long-time volunteer for the ABTA. Juliana was passionate about the ABTA’s mission, from the patient and caregiver resources to the funding of cutting-edge research it provides.

Juliana was dedicated to fundraising for and increasing awareness of the ABTA until her passing in 2021. Her family and friends continue to keep her spirit of hope alive through their continued efforts.

Juliana Schafer and daughter Izzy

Congrats to our 2024 recipient, Caroline Lenher!

A selfless leader whose leadership, generosity, kindness and empathy shine like no other!

Caroline Lenher became a member of the Brain Tumor community in 2006 when her dad was diagnosed with a GBM. He was a 13-year survivor and always a supporter of science and research along with the rest of the family. Caroline connected with the ABTA in 2013 to raise money while running the LA Marathon. In addition, she became one of the ABTA’s CommYOUnity Connect Program Mentors and has been a long-term caregiver mentor  for over 10 years with this program. As a mentor, she has helped many people whose lives have been impacted with a brain tumor diagnosis. Her commitment, support and guidance are only matched by her compassion for the people she meets in our brain tumor community.

Aside from mentoring, Caroline is one of the inaugural members of the American Brain Tumor Association’s Volunteer Leadership Advisory Council (VLAC) and has been serving in this role for the last 7 years. As such, she has been working on several larger and smaller projects concerning the volunteering department of the organization, including but not limited to the creation and wording for this very award; speaking at and hosting several virtual volunteer meetings, for which she has not only demonstrated that she masters the knowledge about the ABTA, but is also very skilled in the delivery of any ABTA-programming-related information.

Caroline is a big supporter and face of the ABTA at a local level, helping at every California/Los Angeles-based event as volunteer, in addition to serving on the LA BT5K Host Committee for the last two years. Selflessly giving her time and talents to the cause,  she seamlessly recruits new volunteers and raises money for ABTA via social media. Not only at a local level is Caroline active, she is also a valued attendee at ABTA’s National Conference; again volunteering wherever and whenever she can. Whether serving as an ABTA table volunteer or Q & A support during a session or a Breakout Room monitor, Caroline is a true ambassador for the organization.

Outside of the ABTA, Caroline is a certified master coach partnering with clients in their career advancement, professional and business development. She is a writer and editor for multiple corporate clients and published authors. In 2022, in honor of her dad, Caroline launched an initiative called “Coaching for Causes” – a program that is near and dear to her heart. To her, it is one of the many ways she gives back to the brain tumor community. During the month of May, in honor of Brain Tumor Awareness, the coach and consultant offers a truly special opportunity to experience the power of coaching while supporting her favorite charitable organization – the ABTA. With Coaching for Causes, Caroline offers one-on-one coaching sessions in exchange for charitable donations. Caroline has spread the word about this initiative with several coaching friends, and now 13 of her professional coaching friends in the focus areas of career and professional development, leadership, executive, life/personal development, grief, and writing offer their time in exchange for a donation as well.

Caroline Lenher

"Like Juliana Schafer, Caroline’s compassion, and dedication to help in the brain tumor community knows no bounds. Always looking for ways to give to others, without personal gain, she exudes HOPE and inspiration, making her an exemplary volunteer!”

Past Recipients

Sally Walker – 2023

Deborah Rizzo – 2022


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