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To ensure the brain tumor community has access to accurate and credible information relating to COVID-19, the ABTA hosted a special webinar with Milan G. Chheda, MD, Neuro-Oncologist at the Siteman Cancer Center and Assistant Professor at the Washington University School of Medicine.

If you have questions about COVID-19, its impact on at-risk populations, and actions you can take to engage in prevention, this webinar is an excellent resource.

This webinar focused on what is currently known about COVID-19 and how to prevent the spread; debunk common myths and misconceptions, as well as explore actions the brain tumor community can take to reduce the chance of infection. Additional resources and support services were shared with viewers.

More Educational Webinars

Did you know that the ABTA has a free digital library of webinar recordings?

The ABTA Educational Webinar Series can be viewed anytime (Internet and computer, mobile device or tablet are needed). Webinars are approximately 60 minutes, and covers topics for the entire brain tumor community. Access the digital library to view more ABTA educational webinars.


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