What do you want to do this year to connect with community? From our Breakthrough for Brain Tumors 5k Run & Walk series, to the nation’s largest brain tumor conference and ABTA educational webinar series, there’s something for everyone! See more below and visit our Events Calendar.
Community Events

Breakthrough for Brain Tumors 5k (BT5K)
Join the brain tumor community and make a difference supporting critical research and patient services. Walk or run with us at a BT5K in a city near you. Our spring events include:
- Saturday, March 16: BT5K Tampa
- Sunday, April 28: BT5K Chicago
- Saturday, May 18: BT5K Michigan
- Saturday, June 1: BT5K Columbus
Check back for more BT5K announcements on our website.

Fundraise Your Way
Whether you’re turning your favorite hobby into a fundraiser or celebrating your craniaversary, there’s no limit when it comes to fundraising ideas, and the ABTA is here to help. Here are some upcoming community events:
- Saturday, January 27: 7th Annual Spanky Mustache Ride (Pelican Lake, WI)
- Saturday, February 3: EazySpeezy 12 Hour Charity Stream (Virtual)
- Saturday, May 18: Kelli’s 3rd Annual Kegs N Eggs 5K Run/Walk (Carmel, IN)

From people who’ve never run more than a mile to annual marathoners, Team ABTA members all have a common goal: to find a cure by raising funds for brain tumor research and patient programs.
- Sunday, March 17: 2024 United Airlines NYC Half
- Sunday, May 5: 2024 Flying Pig Marathon (Cincinnati)
- Sunday, May 19: 2024 Life Time Chicago Spring Half Marathon
- Sunday, September 29: 2024 Life Time Chicago Half Marathon
- Sunday, October 13: 2024 Bank of America Chicago Marathon
- Sunday, October 27: 2024 Marine Corps Marathon

National Conference
Held annually, the ABTA National Conference is the country’s largest brain tumor conference designed specifically for patients, caregivers, and survivors to learn and connect. The two-day hybrid program features the latest advances in treatment and care from nationally recognized experts.
The 2024 conference will be held Friday, Sept. 6 and Saturday, Sept. 7 virtually and in person at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center in Schaumburg, Ill. Registration will open this spring!

ABTA webinars are 60-minute sessions designed to give patients and caregivers timely and practical information on brain tumor types, treatments, and research. Upcoming webinars include:

Patient & Family Meetings
These free, half-day virtual meetings allow patients, caregivers, and loved ones to get in-depth knowledge on targeted brain tumor topics. Attendees go through a series of expert-led discussions with opportunities to ask questions and walk away with valuable resources. Meeting topics for 2024 include:
- Caregiving
- Living with a Brain Tumor

Jessie Schlacks
Jessie is Managing Editor of the bi-monthly e-newsletter MindMatters. Submit story ideas or questions to jschlacks@abta.org.