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Craig, Brain Tumor Patient
Craig, Glioblastoma Survivor

Here's How

After I was diagnosed with glioblastoma (GBM) in May of 2018, I immediately decided that I was not going to give up any activity without an earnest and persistent effort to continue to do what has always been good for my body, mind, and soul.

I have been active my entire life. So, when it came to my diagnosis, I thought about how I would be able to stay active and do what I love.

Here are my “hows” and “whats.”

Heart rate: up | Stress level: down

My first objective was to get out and walk every day. Once I formed some new daily habits and routines, and learned to focus on the balance and coordination of my left side, I worked up to walking about four to six miles as briskly as possible. I found these walks to be a great time to call the people I have been blessed to know in my life to tell them about my new journey.

Remember to talk with your doctor before engaging in physical activity! Make sure your exercise is doctor-approved before you take off.

Next up, every other activity I enjoy:

  • Golfing
  • Traveling by plane, train, and automobile to visit friends and family
  • Biking
  • Skiing
  • Weight training
  • Hiking
  • Ice hockey
  • Home repairs, chores, cooking

I had to accept that I needed to ease back into those activities that demand a high level of balance on both sides of my body. With time, I was able to engage in all of these at a level that is enjoyable.

The spirit of adventure

Mindset Matters. I accepted that some activities would have changes in intensity or duration, but I remained patient with myself to find what worked for me. It was easy to become frustrated when my body wouldn’t do what I intended it to do. 

With enough patience and adjustment, I was able to keep doing all of the things I’ve always loved doing. That has helped me complete my mind-body-soul connection, which keeps me positive, with an eye on an active life for many years to come.


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