I Meet Hope Head On by sharing my story and being a mentor for the ABTA.
The first 10 years after my Pituitary Tumor was removed, my Pituitary Gland had a lot of issues. At one time or another, I was taking medication for most of my hormones.
I suffer from brain fog, loss for words, sensitive to light and sound. I have trouble reading and comprehending at times. I have since stopped working in IT—I was able to program, do networking and database analysis. I just couldn’t keep everything straight and would lose my place so often that I just couldn’t do it anymore.
Since then I have worked as a Patient Transport, Physical Therapy as a tech and in logistics. I am constantly trying to find work where I can be helpful and fulfilled. I have developed a lot of personal skills to help myself to be as productive as I can. I still have some really challenging days, but I just keep trying. I try and stay as upbeat as possible with my head held high.