
GBM Awareness Day is July 17. Join us in raising awareness all month long! Learn more.

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Momentum is Building for Meet Hope Head On!

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We’re in the midst of Brain Tumor Awareness Month (BTAM) and hope you’re as inspired as we are by the outpouring of community support. 

Not only are we seeing record engagement—over 1,500 people have downloaded our BTAM toolkit—but also sustained interest in Meet Hope Head On, our five-year, $50-million campaign to accelerate our mission.  

One of the campaign’s central goals is to triple our research investment, which will enable us to:  

  • Fund more grants for early-career researchers to pursue high-risk, high-reward research.  
  • Invest in large-scale research projects through the Brain Tumor Funders Collaborative.  
  • Establish a Flexible Research Fund to accelerate innovative research addressing underfunded and understudied “gap areas.”  
  • Develop a new grant opportunity specific to metastatic brain tumor research.  

Since launching in March 2023, together we’ve raised over $10 million, but still have a long way to go… 

Research is the cornerstone of improving brain tumor treatment and care—fostering those breakthroughs you learn about at our National Conference and in our webinars. This is just one of the many reasons why we’re asking you to join us during BTAM with a donation that suits your budget. 

If you’d like to learn more, visit meethopeheadon.org and spread the word. We can’t do this vital work without you and appreciate your support.  

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