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Press Releases

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Leah Bobal
Sr. Manager, Marketing & Communications
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ABTA Press Releases

The American Brain Tumor Association Awards Research Grants to Support Early Career Investigators and High-Impact, Collaborative Brain Tumor Research

CHICAGO, July 17, 2018 – The American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA), the nation’s first nonprofit organization dedicated to brain tumor education and research, announced today the funding of 19 new research grants at 14 different institutions. The ABTA’s Research Program supports both established and new scientists in discovering more about the causes, effects, diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors. “It is our goal to continue funding research that brings bright, young, talented investigators into the field,” said Ralph DeVitto, ABTA President & CEO. “It’s important to keep attracting the best talent and the best way to do this is to fund them early in their careers.” Of the grantees awarded this year, the ABTA is supporting 16 early-career scientists (three early-career faculty, five postdoctoral fellows and eight medical students) who are bringing innovative ideas to the field. “We are excited to continue our legacy of funding critical brain tumor research,”

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American Brain Tumor Association Names Ralph DeVitto Chief Executive Officer

“Chicago, IL – American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA), the first national advocacy organization committed to funding brain tumor research and providing education and information on all tumor types, announced today that it has appointed Ralph DeVitto as its President & Chief Executive Officer. Founded in 1973, ABTA’s mission is to advance the understanding and treatment of brain tumors with the goals of improving, extending, and ultimately saving the lives of those impacted by a brain tumor diagnosis. It represents the interests of the community of brain tumor scientists, patients, caregivers and donors. For nearly 45 years, ABTA has provided comprehensive resources to support the multi-faceted needs of brain tumor patients and caregivers, as well as the critical funding of research pursuing breakthroughs in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of brain tumors. In his new role as President & CEO, Mr. DeVitto will be responsible for leading ABTA’s dedicated staff, while increasing

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The American Brain Tumor Association Celebrates 45 Years of Impact on the Brain Tumor Community

“CHICAGO, IL – Forty-five years ago, the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA) was founded in Chicago by two mothers, Susan Netchin Kramer and Linda Gene Goldstein, looking for answers that, at the time, were not yet available. Since then, the ABTA has funded more than $30 million in brain tumor research and now reaches a national audience to provide educational and support resources. On Saturday, March 3, 2018 – to kick off the 45th anniversary – the ABTA hosted two of its signature events that bring the brain tumor community together. In Atlanta, patients, caregivers and health care professionals attended a Partners in Treatment and Care meeting. These meetings, held in different cities throughout the year, allow patients and caregivers to meet one another and hear from a lineup of local, highly regarded brain tumor physicians. Brian Olson, ABTA Board Chair believes “the nationwide Partners in Treatment and Care meetings represent

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