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Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation Support Group for Aphasia

Southeastern Brain Tumor Foundation Support Group for Aphasia

This group meets every other Thursday on Zoom. For privacy reasons, the zoom link is not posted on any public facing pages.  Please contact meeting facilitator at supportgroups@sbtf.org for log-in details.

Aphasia is caused by damage to the language-dominant side of the brain, usually the left side, and may be brought on by stroke, head injury or a brain tumor. This support group specifically brings together the brain tumor patients who are grappling with aphasia; not head injury or stroke patients.

This meeting provides a platform for brain tumor patients, suffering from the effects of aphasia, to share experiences like:

  • falling through the cracks (going undiagnosed)
  • tools, tips & tricks to help relearn language skills
  • educating others on how to help us communicate
  • patience with patients
  • understanding the different types of aphasia and respective treatment options

This group is facilitated by health care professional.

Page last updated: 6/23/23