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From One to Many

Mark your calendars for the first ABTA Day of Giving on Wednesday, May 24, a day to rally our community during Brain Tumor Awareness Month.

We need 500 people to donate or share their brain tumor story. Here’s how: 

  1. Share your brain tumor story and ask friends and family to do the same. 
  2. Make a gift to the ABTA in an amount that’s right for your budget and encourage up to five people in your network to donate. 

All Day of Giving fundraising will support our five-year, $50-million Meet Hope Head On campaign, which is focused on: 

  • Tripling our research investment to: further foster early-career researchers to pursue high-risk, high-reward research; establish a flexible research fund to support innovative projects that fall outside existing ABTA grant mechanisms; invest more in large research projects through financial collaboration; and further enhance our Alumni Research Network program.
  • Doubling patients served by: engaging and empowering underserved communities; providing Adolescent and Young Adult education and support programming; eliminating barriers to access of ABTA education and support resources AND expanding our existing programs. 
  • Doubling federal research funding by: influencing the federal government; mobilizing patient advocates to have a stronger voice to increase public awareness and influence federal research funding and policy initiatives. 

For over 50 years, the ABTA has been the champion of brain tumor patients and their families. While progress has been made, more must be done.  

ONE person can make a difference in the lives of brain tumor patients and their families and ignite progress. We hope you’ll join us on May 24! Thanks in advance for your unwavering support. 


Let’s Meet Hope Head On

Join us in creating a future free from the devastation of brain tumors. Your support fuels groundbreaking research, expands patient care, and drives progress. Together, we can meet hope head on.

🤍 Let’s meet Hope Head On together

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