
GBM Awareness Day is July 17. Join us in raising awareness all month long! Learn more.

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Pituitary Tumors

The pituitary gland is termed the “master gland” as it plays a key role in controlling the production of hormones from other organs such as thyroid hormone, cortisol, estrogens, and

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Pineal Tumors

Pineal tumors originate from normal cells in the pineal gland which is located in the center of the brain and is involved in the secretion of hormones such as melatonin.

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Glioneuronal and Neuronal

Glioneuronal and neuronal tumors are a diverse group of rare tumors that come from nerve cells. Specific tumor types in this group include ganglioglioma, dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET), central neurocytoma, and

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Neurofibromas are tumors of the nerve fibers. The term neurofibromatosis refers to two different genetic diseases characterized by skin abnormalities and nervous system tumors: Neurofibromatosis type 1: Also called NF-1 or

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Meningiomas are often benign tumors arising from the coverings of the brain and spinal cord. They represent about one-third of all primary brain tumors and occur most frequently in middle-aged

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Lipomas of the nervous system are rare, benign (non-cancerous) tumors composed of fatty tissue. Lipomas in the brain are believed to be congenital abnormalities rather than true tumors and may

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A hemangioma is an abnormal buildup of blood vessels in the skin or internal organs. Two types of hemangiomas are discussed here: Hemangioblastoma: These tumors are benign (non-cancerous), slow-growing, and well

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