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Your Support Advances Brain Tumor Research

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2021 ABTA Discovery Grant Recipients

The dollars you donate to the American Brain Tumor Association support our mission to advance the understanding of brain tumors through scientific discovery. To-date the ABTA’s Research Program has funded more than $33 million in brain tumor research projects. Here’s a look at our mission in action to accelerate the field.

This year, the ABTA funded 17 new grants totaling nearly half a million dollars for research in various tumor types, including glioblastoma, malignant gliomas, primary CNS lymphoma, ependymomas, brain stem gliomas and medulloblastomas. Awarded to scientists who applied for ABTA Discovery Grants and Jack & Fay Netchin Medical Student Summer Fellowships, research projects focused on biomarkers, tumor imaging, experimental therapeutics and immunotherapy for adult and pediatric brain tumors.

“Congratulations to our 2021 slate of brain tumor scientists awarded an ABTA research grant,” said Heather Calderone, PhD, Director of Research and Grants. “We are proud to fund new research projects that will expand our understanding of brain tumors and supports our investment in early-career scientists. These investigators are bringing innovative ideas that have the potential to impact brain tumor treatment and improve patient lives.”

Learn more about our new research grant recipients.

2021 Jack and Fay Netchin Medical Student Summer Fellows

Advancing the Momentum for Brain Tumor Research

Our support of brain tumor research continues as we are calling on brain tumor researchers to submit applications to receive funding in 2022. The ABTA is now accepting applications for Discovery Grants, Basic Research Fellowships and Jack & Fay Netchin Medical Student Summer Fellowships.

  • Discovery Grants: One-year, $50,000 grants for independent researchers who propose high-risk projects with the greatest potential to improve the standards of care for brain tumor patients.
  • Basic Research Fellowships: Two-year, $100,000 grants for postdoctoral fellows investigating basic and translational brain tumor science with a mentor in the field.
  • Jack & Fay Netchin Medical Student Summer Fellowships: Three-month, $3,000 grants for medical students to train with an established mentor in the field as they forge a career in neuro-oncology.

Learn more or apply for a research grant.

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